Breakbeat Science Moves to Brooklyn

bbs   Revered New York City drum ‘n’ bass retail store Breakbeat Science has found a new home in Brooklyn. Having transformed its former location on the Lower East Side into a trendy men’s clothing boutique, BBS has embarked on another retail venture and began curating the drum ‘n’ bass section within Halcyon in Dumbo last week.

“With BBlessing needing to expand into the records room and real estate in Manhattan being out of control, it just made perfect sense to collaborate with Halcyon,” BBS’s DJ DB told Big Shot. “We already have a long history with those guys.”

Obligatory press gush from Halcyon owner Shawn Schwartz: “Halcyon has always celebrated musical diversity and promoted interaction amongst the various facets of the broader community, so we’re excited to welcome the Breakbeat Science massive back into the fold.”

DJ DB and Clever christened the new venture with an in-store session. You can listen to it here.

Darren Ressler