Dada Life’s Olle Cornéer Quits Touring

dada life OLLE CORNÉER

In 2014 Dada Life’s Olle Cornéer revealed that he had been battling cancer. At the time Cornéer recalled his diagnosis: “It was a Monday. On Wednesday I had surgery (moving fast is important). Since then I’ve been taking blood samples, going through X-rays and talking to doctors. And now I’m in chemotherapy.”

After taking time off to recuperate, Cornéer went back to touring. But in a statement to fans posted today he announced that he will leave all future gigs to his musical partner Stefan Engblom and will concentrate his energies only on production.

“I love being on stage and meeting so many of you all over the world. But thousands of flights, and thousands of miles on the road is hard on the body and mind and lately I haven’t felt really well. I haven’t crashed yet, but my body is telling me that it will definitely happen if I keep on like this. To be clear: this has nothing to do with my cancer (I’m still healthy and 100% free from it).

“That’s why together Stefan and I have decided that I’m going to stop touring from now on. Dada Life is still both of us. I’ll stay in the studio (with Stefan) while Stefan keeps spreading the Rules of Dada all over the world.

“I will miss you all. But health first.”

Yehouda Silverman

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