Saul Williams: “Michael Jackson Paid My Way Through College”


Saul Williams: “Like so many others, Michael Jackson was my first and biggest inspiration. I own an actual trunk of memorabilia all bought with my allowance money. My mother, who was kind enough to make me a glove and hem my pant legs into floods, let my older sister and I stay out all night, standing in line for tickets to his 1984 Victory Tour. Years later, when I was in college, my freshman year creative writing teacher submitted an essay I wrote for her class, without telling me anything about it, until she asked me to stay after class, weeks later, and handed me a letter which read:

Dear Saul Williams,

You have been awarded the Michael Jackson Scholarship for performing arts students, taken from the 25 million dollars Michael gave to the United Negro College Fund from the proceeds of his 1984 Victory Tour.

As a result of that, I can proudly say that Michael Jackson paid my way through college.

Darren Ressler


  1. “As a result of that, I can proudly say that Michael Jackson paid my way through college.”

    that is so freakin sweet. great piece of trivia for me to retain and use when rock n roll jeopardy returns to the air and i become the ultimate champion.

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