Ministry of Sound Gets First Dolby Atmos Sound System


What does your dream sound system for a club look like? Don’t hold back, feel free to think big. Does it have, let’s say, 60 speakers that carry 22 channels’ worth of audio? And does it perhaps come complete with a “bespoke lighting environment?” If so, it might just happen to look a lot like Dolby Atmos. Dolby has been preparing to put its latest home theater technology to work at just the right venue, and now it’s on. The Box at the Ministry of Sound in London will be the lucky room to get the first operating Atmos system on January 23.

The mega-system has been built atop the old gear, and there’s a big shindig being planned to show it off. Hospital Records will be hosting the Dolby Atmos unveiling, bringing in some of their best drum ‘n’ bass artists in order to give the system a run for its money.

Ministry of Sound CEO Lohan Presencer says of the setup, “Dolby Atmos allows our patrons to experience the future of dance music, creating multidimensional soundscapes the likes of which have never been heard before in a nightclub environment. It’s simply breathtaking.” Well, sounds good enough for us.

Jim Allen

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