2018 Rewind: Lydmor


How was 2018 for you?

Lydmor: In 2018 I got to release my album, which has kind of been something I feel like I’ve been building up to for years! It was such a huge thing for me and in some ways I feel like my life changed.


Global political situation and the continuing ignoring of climate change by the powers that be.

Song of the year?

Ariana Grande’s “Thank You Next” is one of the most emotionally mature breakup songs I’ve ever heard! I actually believe that song can change how some people look back at their previous relationships.

What’s your New Year’s resolution?

I don’t have resolutions, but I can feel myself becoming more caring about the environment in all decisions I make. I wanna try to fly less (hard when touring) eat less meat and not buy new clothes.


Image by Neal McQueen

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Darren Ressler

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