2017 Rewind: Michael Klein


How was 2017 for you?
Michael Klein: 2017 has been an exciting year for me. I’ve been playing some exciting club shows and enjoyed this years festival season a lot.

Having started my own label with now its third release coming up is definitely a highlight for me, especially because I was also able to host remixes by Amelie Lens, Eduardo de la Calle, Pan-Pot, Raiz and TWR72 on the label. Another release highlight was the collaboration EP called HUB 3, which came out a few weeks ago on Pan-Pot’s label Second State, where I had the opportunity to collaborate on four tracks with Pan-Pot, Amelie, Stephan Hinz and Roman Lindau. This has been a great experience and a lot of fun. Also having the time to finally get my hands on a light installation project again was another highlight for me and you should soon be able to see and experience the outcomes out of this project. And last but not least having joined the amazing Labyrinth booking team made me very happy as I have been respecting these guys and what they do since years now.

One word: Politics!

Song of the year?
Marcel Dettmann & Ben Klock’s “Phantom Studies”

What’s your New Years resolution?
Stress less about things that don’t really matter and focus.

@Michael Klein

Darren Ressler

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