2017 Rewind: Red Rack’em


How was 2017 for you?
Red Rack’em: Such a crazy year! So much has happened. Released my second album, Self Portrait, in February on my Bergerac label, which was four years of hard work finally coming together. Spent most of the year touring the album and I have seriously enjoyed playing at bigger and better parties. I love DJing. February and March were intense l as I had remixes for Tinie Tempah, Tensnake, Doorly, CRS+BRG and Michael Candler to complete all at the same time, plus all the album press and had a really distressing harassment situation which I can’t really go into for legal reasons. Having armed police round for tea several times and changing the locks isn’t the one really. Since the album dropped it’s been nonstop touring plus doing various radio bits. Trying to get some more singles finished. Best of all though … I got married in March to my amazing lovely beautiful wife!

Getting married! Releasing my Self Portrait album. Playing at Novel Warehouse Party in Melbourne, Decks On The Beach in Beirut, closing the Olive Grove stage at Love International, Melt Festival and finally playing at XOYO in London. Launching my album with an After Hours mix for Pete Tong on BBC Radio 1, starting a monthly show for Rinse.

Being stalked and threatened wasn’t much fun. I also discovered that if I miss lots of sleep I end up with anxiety problems and depression — if only I had realized that over the last 20 years [laughs]. Apart from that it was a really good year.

Song of the year?
S.O.N.S’ “A New Life” (Planet Earth Mix) (S.O.N.S)

What’s your New Year’s resolution?
To learn how to relax.

Darren Ressler

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