Ten Walls Issues Another Apology for Homophobic Rant


Lithuanian artist Marijus Adomaitis (a.k.a. Ten Walls) refuses to go away. Today he issued another apology for the homophobic comments he made on Facebook in June. His awful remarks caused festival promoters such as Creamfields to cancel his appearances en masse, essentially ending his blossoming DJ/production career fueled by his smash single “Walking With Elephants.”

On the deleted post Adomaitis wrote, “I remember producing music for one Lithuanian musician, who tried to wash my brain that I don’t need to be so conservative and intolerant about them. When I asked him ‘what would you do if you realized that your 16-year-old son’s browny is ripped by his boyfriend?’ Well he was silent.”

In an e-mail to DJ magazine, Adomaitis says he is “ashamed” of his comments and has taken the last few months to reflect on his behavior. He wrote, “This is not an excuse, but I would like you to know that the content of my post is not a true reflection of my feelings.”

Here’s his statement in its unedited entirety:

I’m Marijus Adomaitis aka Ten Walls. Earlier this year I posted comments on my Facebook page, that I deeply regret. My post was linked to homophobia and was very offensive. I am ashamed to have hurt so many people: my family, my country, my colleagues, my friends, the Global LGBT community and many others. Since then I have taken time out to reflect on what I did and work out a way of apologizing that expresses how sorry I am.

I am saddened by my own behavior and the impact of my actions on others. I offended a lot of people, was the cause of horrible debates, wrecked both my own and the confidence of others and ruined the plans for many people I was working with. Understandably, I was labeled homophobic and I am not and never have considered myself to be this way. I have to tell you that my action was completely out of character and done at a particularly angry and stressful time in my life. This is not an excuse, but I would like you to know that the content of my post is not a true reflection of my feelings. For many years I have been happily working and collaborating with people from different cultures, religious and sexual attitudes. I have always respected everyone.

My post made no sense, even to me. I’m a musician. My music is for everyone in this world. I always try to unite people to promote respect, equality and tolerance, love and peace. It is my priority as a music maker, in music there is no space for discrimination. It is my intention to do something in my home country of Lithuania, to support LGBT groups and educate others on acceptance and tolerance. I am now part of a group of people who have created an electronic opera ‘Carmen’ with a strong message of this. I hope my involvement in this project will be the first step to educating others in my home country that homophobia is simply not acceptable and that everyone should be free to live the life they choose.

I am sorry for what I have done. I am sorry I let myself down. I hope you can forgive me and that one day through my actions and future behaviour, I will once again be accepted for my music.

Tanner Ross Apologizes For Harassing RA Editor on Twitter


A week after producer Ten Walls’ homophobic rant on his personal Facebook page went viral and basically ended his career, Wolf + Lamb producer Tanner Ross has apologized for a barrage of awful tweets aimed to provoke Resident Advisor’s North American editor Andrew Ryce. Piecing together the story, Ross apparently didn’t like Ryce’s unimpressed review of Jamie xx’s new album, In Colour, and set out to piss Ryce off.

Ross tweeted: “Musta felt so good to give Jamie Xx a bad review. What was it like? Did your dick get hard?”

His follow-up: “@andrewryce like… I feel so cool just reading it. Can we rub our dicks together and go to Creamfields?” and “@andrewryce I was doing my dissertation at Fabric with Craig Richards before you came in someone’s ass.”

Ryce screenshotted the deplorable tirade (see below) and filed a complaint with Twitter, claiming Ross harassed and provoked him but reportedly to no avail.

tanner ross tweets andew ryce

As a result of the incident Ross was tossed from bill at the Crew Love party tonight in Barcelona.

When Ross’ comments went viral, he deleted many of the tweets and issued an apology on Facebook.

“I apologize to those who have been offended. Attacking someone verbally is absolutely wrong but I was not coming from a homophobic point of view. There really isn’t enough words that can express how sorry I am. I truly am sorry.”

Good luck on your next career, Tanner Ross. Dance music has no room for hate mongers like you.

Creamfields Drops Ten Walls After Anti-Gay Rant [Updated]


Marijus Adomaitis, the Lithuanian DJ/producer who scored Ten Walls’ massive hit “Walking with Elephants,” took to his personal Facebook on June 3 and made horribly derogatory remarks about gay people.

According to Gay Star News, the post, which has since been deleted, read: “I remember producing music for one Lithuanian musician, who tried to wash my brain that I don’t need to be so conservative and intolerant about them. When I asked him ‘what would you do if you realized that your 16-year-old son’s browny is ripped by his boyfriend?’ Well he was silent.”

Adomaitis compared homosexuality with child abuse by Catholic priests: “One of my first gigs in Ireland, on my way to [my] hotel I saw a church with a fence decorated with hundreds of baby shoes. Naturally I wondered why? Unfortunately a priest’s lie for many years was uncovered when children were massively raped. Unfortunately the people of other breed continue to do it and everyone knows it but does nothing.”

Adomaitis reportedly posted an apology after his hateful rant: “I want to apologize for the former post in my account. I am really sorry about its insulting content which does not reflect my true opinion. I hope this misunderstanding will not provoke any more thoughts and opinions. Peace.”

And now the professional fallout begins.

Creamfields have dropped Adomaitis from their event in August, issuing the following statement:

In response to recent derogatory and homophobic comments made by Ten Walls who was one of the artists due to perform at this year’s Creamfields festival, we have made the decision to remove him from the show.

Whilst we respect freedom of speech, we find his defamatory and prejudiced comments about the gay community extremely offensive and feel that this is not in line with the spirit of Creamfields or an opinion that we support. Creamfields is celebrated for being a festival that welcomes all and we have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to hate of any kind. Everyone who attends our shows should feel welcome and safe. Comments like this, coming from one of the artists contradicts our festival ethos.

We apologise for any inconvenience and disappointment this may cause and hope you respect our decision.

Fort Romeau, who was booked to support Ten Walls at Koko in London in November, has canceled his appearance:

hello. I was due to support Ten Walls at Koko, London in November, in light of recent comments made by him on Facebook I have decided to cancel.

Its easy to romanticise electronic music culture and imagine it as a bastion of social liberalism and progressive ideology but the reality is that it simply reflects the larger social context where homophobia and (particularly) sexism are normalised and worse, codified into law. The graph below shows the percentage of rights accorded to Gay and transgender individuals across Europe. Clearly there is a long way to go. Until legal parity is accorded no snappy neo-liberal sloganeering about “freedom” and “individuality” really means anything.

so while cancelling one gig is hardly going to change the world, it does stand as a personal rejection of bigotry, fear and intolerance.

Adomaitis has yet to comment publicly about what prompted him to commit professional suicide.

June 8 update: Adomaitis posted an apology on his Facebook page. He called his comments “unacceptable,” noting that he’s canceled his gigs when he was in fact dropped from various bills.

Last week I wrote a Facebook post that was wrong and completely out of character and the result was a badly written post that was unacceptable. It was never my intention to offend anyone. I’m really saddened by everything that has happened and I would like to apologise to everyone I’ve let down, especially to my friends in the gay community, and my fans.
I now need to take a break and have cancelled my upcoming shows.