Stephen Colbert Wants a Remix

The Daily Show with Jon Stewart has become a bit of a bore since the election, and it seems his writers have been on autopilot. Now that George W. Bush is out of office, Stewart appears to be struggling for material, much like Fox News. The change in administration hasn’t hurt Stephen Colbert one bit, and his Stephen Colbert Report is funnier than ever.

Colbert recently had Creative Commons founder Lawrence Lessig on his show. Lessig was hawking his new book, Remix: Making Art and Commerce Thrive in the Hybrid Economy, and the two locked heads over the concept of copyright. At one point during the interview, Colbert looked into the camera and said factiously, “I will be very angry—and possibly litigious—if anyone takes this interview right here and remix[es] it with some great dance beat, and it starts showing up in clubs across the country.” A flurry of remixes have shown up on the Web (including the one below), and last night Colbert acknowledged the phenomenon, even slowly repeating his fake disdain for a dance remix in an intentionally slow, sample-friendly faux tirade. Once Jon Stewart’s protégé, the student has surpassed his teacher.