Since the ’90s Josh Wink has been teaching a masterclass in musical simplicity. He’s done so by keeping his productions minimal and focused with pinpoint accuracy.
On “Don’t Laugh” he stitched a sample of a delirious laugh into the fabric of a gurgling acid backdrop; “Higher State of Consciousness” (penned under his Winx moniker) was an intoxicating miss-mash of breakbeat, acid and techno; and “I’m Ready” (penned under his Size 9 alias) delivered one of the most memorable epic buildup/breakdown of all-time.
Tinged with acid and sporting a vocal sample oozing with Philly attitude, “Talking To You” strikes with the precision of a commando attack. Concentrating again on one great idea, the professor builds the tension into a rousing crescendo, presenting yet another lesson on why less-is-more works on the dance floor.
Game. Set. Match. Wink. (Again.)