2017 Rewind: Lenny Posso

Lenny Posso

How was 2017 for you?
Lenny Posso: Wow! Yeah, it was a year to remember that’s for sure.A a lot of ups and downs, personally and globally (environmentally, politically) I’d say. Finally got settled into my new hometown of Berlin and felt a good sense of direction for my design work, DJing and the labels. But I am looking forward to 2018 and starting it with positivity and purpose.

Finally getting my visa and insurance situation out of the way to continue living and working in Berlin. The move from New York City has been good for me, but it sure hasn’t been easy. Don’t get me wrong, I have no regrets but the paperwork is just insane at times. That being said, I’m glad to have that long, stressful, taxing process behind me. I’ve been focusing on my labels and myself as a DJ and artist. I’ve overcome a huge hump as far as my graphic design work and getting my portfolio prepared to finally go online. I also just set up a new distribution deal in EU for Thema Recordings, and so I’m looking forward in getting that rolling at full speed again with a string of huge releases by an all-star roster! Also very proud of our first ever album Episode Zero by Ben Gibson on Chronicle records. That sure was a lot of work but a good necessary milestone for me, Ben and the labels to say the least.

Getting my record bag stolen after a gig in Berlin only to find it floating away in a near by canal! Some hooligans cleverly picked it off me, scoured it for obvious valuables but only found records and then tossed it over a walk bridge into a canal! A homeless man found it and showed me, so of course I jumped in, got the bag, my headphones and was able rescue 10 records but lost a bunch of gems to the bottom of that canal! That really sucked, but a bunch of friends caught wind of what had happened and really came through for me, contributing records and some funds as well to help me re-buy a bunch of them. So that was an amazing turn around to a crappy situation… but life goes on and we just try and take it all in and make the best of it. I’m very lucky to have so many amazing people around me that a for sure. 😉

Song of the year?
D&S – “So”

What’s your New Year’s resolution?
To continue growing as a person, DJ and artist and to continue pushing my labels to the next level!

Darren Ressler

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