2017 Rewind: Roni Size

roni size

How was 2017 for you?
Roni Size: I didn’t expect to come back and do this live tour around the world, and to have Universal come and want to put out the 20th anniversary of New Forms. I wasn’t sure if I was going to put it out myself or what. So yeah, 2017 was quite the unexpected year. But, one thing I’ve learned on tour is that the music stands the test of time. It’s 20 years old but it still sounds modern; it still sounds like it was made yesterday and it’s still working.

Going to Hospitality In The Park and performing that by myself, and the show in Bristol called Bristol Downs — big crowds, between 10 and 20,000 people. Going out there and doing something fresh and new by myself is definitely something I never thought I’d be able to do. I have this new management team around me as well. It’s definitely a highlight because we’re all on the same page and things are still happening.

You’ve always got to have the highs with the lows, and I think this year we’ve lost a couple of people in the drum ‘n’ bass scene. There’s always a few faces that you’re never going to see again — like Marcus Intalex. To lose someone like Marcus from this music is pretty hard. I didn’t know him, but Dominator is someone else that we lost. People have passed away, and it’s always a shame, but you see the unity of dance music come together. In my personal life, I’ve lost a few friends of my own as well.

Song of the year?
There are probably a few records out there that I really enjoy. I’m not sure of the names, but there are a couple Snakehips tunes that I really love.

What’s your New Year’s resolution?
To make sure that I’m not too hard on myself. I think I’ve been a bit hard on myself and that I give myself a hard time when I don’t think I should. It’s all about just keeping myself happy with whatever I’m doing and knowing that I’ve got people there to support me.

@Roni Size

Darren Ressler

One Comment

  1. RONI SIZE a true gent and awesome dj. Me and my gf had a brief chat and and picture taken outside the main tent at hospitality in the park after his set

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