How was 2018 for you?
2018 was an amazing year full of experiences and highlights – just wonderful! Just came back from an amazing Mexico tour. I love Mexico, such beautiful and colorful country. Parties and crowd were nuts!!! We at Mother turned five and celebrated our Y-5 Years Anniversary. It came with a full collection, limited vinyl edition, limited shirts and long sleeves, all organic and fair trade. I made my personal dream come true and designed my own Mother skateboard deck – yeah!
Launching of our brand new sister label, Superfett Records, which bring a slightly different sound to the world. One-hundred percent functional club weapons that is full-on and physical. We are also super proud to announce our Mother in-house booking agency named Everest Artists representing artists as Dilby, Illyus & Barrientos, Nhan Solo, Shaf Huse, Simion and Superlover. Personally, super happy to close the year with a Beatport House top 10 record “Akira,” which was just released couple of weeks ago.
Well, let me think about a minute…. eating the worst and most expensive burger at a gourmet restaurant ?!$*%, patty was deep fried. How can you fry a patty?
Song of the year?
Oh, that’s a heavy one, there are too man! “Swimming” by Mac Miller has sweetened my time a lot while traveling and touring. R.I.P. my dear friend!
What’s your New Year’s resolution?
Something personal: I moved to my country house, and I cannot wait to planning my garden project for new year. The world needs more red pepper chile. I love Thai chile. Life’s better with chillies!