As a child we ventured to Orlando to go to the happiest place on Earth. Some years later we wander a little further south and go to a different version of the happiest place on Earth: Miami and South Beach for Miami Music Week and the three-day Ultra Music Festival.
The third and final day of UMF (day one recap here; day two recap here) traditionally marks the culmination of the days and nights of festivities and it seems it’s the “let’s fit in all the fun and craziness we haven’t covered yet because it’s almost over” mentality is prominent. It as if we try to see all of the artists at all of the stages for fear of missing something cool. But like Orlando’s theme park mentioned above, you just can’t see it all in one day.
As the masses were still flowing in, UMF’s Stage 7 hosted DJ Ideal who was blasting ATB’s old-school classic “You’re Not Alone” in conjunction with the ambiance and haze from the fog machine. Given some time at the scaffolding style stage and dance floor, revelers might mistake the hazy reaction from the aerosol paint fumes wafting up from the graffiti artists below the stage with the overly emotive effects from the music.