2018 Rewind: Billie Ray Martin

billie rae martin

How was 2018 for you?

Billie Ray Martin: I took the year off. I needed to gather my thoughts and emotions, and regain my spiritual well-being in order to go into my coming album projects for the right reasons and with joy. I did find what I was looking for and feel I can now go into the next phase of recording and planning. So, while this year was a bit un-eventful on the surface, things were happening ‘behind the scenes.’


Realizing that I have finally found out how I want to make music in future, what would make me happy, and then finding that it actually works. Realizing how far I have come in this particular life, and that I don’t have to strive and search any more. Small things, small realizations, and sometimes big ones too happened this year.


  • Feeling that life as I would hope it to be still eludes me.
  • Some of the political developments in the world.
  • That our trans sisters are suddenly being persecuted in some bizarre ‘debate’ and their rights are questioned and their lives are in danger in many countries.

Song of the year?

Chaouche – “My Friend”

What’s your New Year’s resolution?

I’d like to stay positive and banish all negative expectations and reactions to outside influences.
And to enjoy my new recording sessions as much as I did last year’s ones.

@Billie Ray Martin

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